ARP Program For Housing

In just one day, the team of volunteers of the public organization FOUN found five vacant real estates for the residence of Ukrainian citizens under the ARP program. This was reported by the head of the board of the organization Natalya Eismont.

” Found two rooms yesterday, one in Trall, the other in Killarney. Available from September! A very cool and reliable landlord! So for yesterday, our catch was five apartments under АРП800, – Ms. Natalya shared the good news.”

Volunteers have developed one common questionnaire for everyone in order to better understand the real number of families in need of housing assistance. So, if you are looking for housing, fill out the form at the link. The organization emphasizes that during the distribution of housing, the priority of resettlement applies. Firstly, housing is provided to FOUN Kerry volunteers, on whom the amount of housing for Ukrainian families, children’s development and all the charitable projects we work on depend. If you would like to become a volunteer, please join our team by writing an email with the subject “Want to be a FOUN Kerry volunteer” to This will help find even more homes.

” Today, our goal is to open 100 houses in Kerry for Ukrainians, so let’s go to the goal and stick together. Everything worked out for us before, it will work out now as well, – summed up the head of the board.

We remind you that it makes no sense to write a personal request, because we receive a lot of messages. Now just be careful and fill out the form, be in touch on your Irish number when we call. Join our Telegram group to keep up with the latest news.

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